
Showing posts from February, 2017

Savings Apps- MobiSave

MobiSave My sister is wonderful about sending me great grocery savings app. This one has more options for "any brand". Although the pay out may not be big it is still something and it is deposited directly into your PayPal account. I laughed at all the prunes currently on rebate but we are having to feed my gal prunes on a regular basis so I cashed in lol. You do not have to scan each purchase. Unlock deals, shop, then upload your receipt. Hurray!

Running Week 2 on C25K/Weight Loss Update

I may have fallen off the weight loss bandwagon but I have thankfully kept running. With fluctuating temps, lack of daylight, and painful hips I have still tried to fit runs in. I am in the second week of couch to 5k app and slowly plugging along. My last run felt great and I was proud that the 90 seconds of running with 2 minutes of walking was a great next step. Ive been feeling rather bummed by my need to ice my shins and hips but it has definitely helped relieve soreness. Weight loss. I was doing great and started to fall back into old habits. I'm going to go ahead and get on a quicker diet copied from Ideal Protein. I should lose 3-5 lbs a week which is more attractive number. I ordered my food and plan to start this week. I want to be 40 lbs down. I plan to go in 5 week increments with a short break then back into 5 week push. I've asked God for discipline. I cannot do this on my own accord. Im searching for my copy of Made to Crave. The author understands the struggl